
Saturday, June 27, 2015


Have you had the opportunity to visit with Pirate Cat at 

Looking 4 Challenges is a challenge listing site, meant to give you the occasional giggle as you cruise through the daily challenges by looking at game images.

Watch out! Some challenge blogs don't use an inspiration I make them up as I go! This is where you may 
get a laugh or two. If you see an asterisk * in the game title- 
I made it up.

L4C is handy, easy to use and the information is usually available earlier in the the day than the full report challenge lists. It's a fast tool to locate a place to play. Like a bulletin. 

Mainstay challenge lists will always carry far more information, winners, dates, rules, dt calls, linky parties, and so forth. 
They are the big league newspapers. Use them all! Play and have fun. 

While you are playing with paper- go see what Looking 4 Challenges has to share. And if you have a challenge blog you'd like listed, please leave the address in comments at L4C. 

(there is a TAB for comments at L4C. Or click HERE )

Happy crafting, Victoria aka Pirate Cat L4C

1 comment:

  1. WOW, this is great, Victoria!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!! I've been wanting to get to know about more challenges, but never really knew where to find them!!! This is really making life easy for us!!! You're a star, Pirate Cat!!!
    Have a great week!!!!


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