Sunday, January 24, 2021

Game #182 One Layer + optional twist Silhouettes


Welcome to the next challenge here at AAA Cards!

But first - The prize from our last challenge in 2020 has not been claimed and Shery from STAMPlorations has kindly agreed to allow a random draw to pick a winner.

And it's ......

 #35 Whoistracy.

Who has left this comment - What fun to be chosen as the random winner! I actually just won a prize from Shery earlier this month and would love if someone else were chosen instead to spread the love around a bit more.

So here goes again:

#43 Becca Yahrling

Please contact Shery to claim your prize -

Now onto the new challenge. It's that favourite of CAS card makers - One Layer. If you'd like a bit more of a challenge go for the optional twist - Silhouettes.

Our awesome Guest Designer - Monika has created this amazing and colourful card. 

Such an incredible card design! It would be wonderful if you popped over to her blog and told her impressed you are - HERE.

And of course all the AAA Cards DT have been busy creating cards to kickstart your imagination and inspire you to play along.

(with a video on her blog)



(with a video on her blog)


So many different ideas. I know you'll be itching to get those card supplies out!

We're looking forward to seeing your CAS cards fill our gallery. Just remember here at AAA Cards we love empty, non patterned white space.


  1. What fun to be chosen as the random winner! I actually just won a prize from Shery earlier this month and would love if someone else were chosen instead to spread the love around a bit more.


We love reading your comments. Thank you for taking the time.